Dominic "driving" the fire truck.

Dominic "driving" the fire truck.
Outside of Dominic's card.
Inside of Dominic's card.
So anyway, I again decided to make Christina a card for her 3rd birthday. Afterall, she made the show last year. Well, Sprout has changed the format now, and it's a part of a 3 hour long program and they do birthday's throughout it. So now we were going to have to sit through a super long show just to see if my card made it. I'll save you the suspense - IT DID!!!! She even had some cute little comments on the pictures from the girl that hosts the show!
Here's the card:
So now if you're keeping score (which I am) it's Christina 2, Dominic 0. Dominic's card is going to be the COOLEST card this year. We went to two different stores to find paper, and I'm in the process of finding the best picture of Thomas I can copy to make the ultimate birthday card.
Ok, yes, I'm a little obsessed. But I will get Dominic's card on TV this year. With that being said, I'm going to go start looking for my Thomas picture and I'll keep you all posted on my progress. Say a prayer for me and my card!
Hanging up her coat and backpack on her hook with Mrs. Wollf.
Fast forward 3 months and after the first week of tears by all three of us, Christina is loving it. She talks about all the kids in her class, brings home the cutest little projects (and even makes things for her brothers), but I think the best part has been the fun songs she's taught us! Bryan, Dominic and Ethan may disagree, but I've enjoyed learning my months of the year put to music, about a squiggly worm in an apple and now the latest one stuck in my head is "The Family of the Sun" (to the tune of "The Farmer in the Dell").
It goes like this:
The family of the sun, the family of the sun,
there are nine planets in the family of the sun.
Mercury is hot. Mercury is small.
Mercury has no atmosphere. It's just a rocky ball.
That's all I'll post of the song, I'm sure you get the idea. If you would like the rest, I do have it memorized, and I could always email it to you if you really want it.
All and all school has been a wonderful experience for us. Christina is loving it and learning to be a little more outgoing and independent. Mom and dad are learning that our little girl is growing up and she can do well without us. Dominic just loves the fact that sissy's school has a playground that he gets to play on when we pick her up. And Ethan, hopefully is absorbing some of the solar system knowledge!
Angie, Bryan, Christina, Dominic & Ethan. One happy alphabet family.