I've been thinking about starting a blog for a while now. But with three little ones underfoot, and the OLDEST being 3, my spare time is usually spent - oh wait, I don't have any of that! So I've decided I'm going to make time to do this.
With so much of our family out of the area, it'll be a nice way for everyone to see what the kids are up to. Thanks Mandy for blogging about your two cuties- you've been my inspiration that this will work!
With that being said- here's what's been going on at our house lately!
We've recently been making some changes to our bed time routine. As you can imagine, getting a 3 year old, a 22 month old and a 3 month old to bed it night is not an easy task. Multiply that with the older two sharing a room, and for a while it was party central in the kids room until 11:30 some nights (starting this at say 8ish)! I'm convinced they would have gone on until the sun came up if we wouldn't have gone in and stayed there until they fell asleep.

So now, it's Ethan down by 8, Dominic up to bed by 8:30, and Christina gets to stay up with Mommy & Daddy to watch one of "our shows" until Dominic is asleep, then she's up to bed. It's worked out really well. With that being said, the conversation she and I had yesterday at nap time cracked me up.
I told her that she needed to take a nap, or she wasn't going to get to stay up late and watch mommy & daddy's shows. After several attempts to get out of napping, she finally said,"I'm GOING to take a nap, but what's on tonight anyway, Surbibor (Survivor)?" It was too funny!
Ok, so I'm going to try and post this, and maybe attempt a picture or two before I call it a night. Hope everyone enjoys!
With so much of our family out of the area, it'll be a nice way for everyone to see what the kids are up to. Thanks Mandy for blogging about your two cuties- you've been my inspiration that this will work!
With that being said- here's what's been going on at our house lately!
We've recently been making some changes to our bed time routine. As you can imagine, getting a 3 year old, a 22 month old and a 3 month old to bed it night is not an easy task. Multiply that with the older two sharing a room, and for a while it was party central in the kids room until 11:30 some nights (starting this at say 8ish)! I'm convinced they would have gone on until the sun came up if we wouldn't have gone in and stayed there until they fell asleep.

So now, it's Ethan down by 8, Dominic up to bed by 8:30, and Christina gets to stay up with Mommy & Daddy to watch one of "our shows" until Dominic is asleep, then she's up to bed. It's worked out really well. With that being said, the conversation she and I had yesterday at nap time cracked me up.
I told her that she needed to take a nap, or she wasn't going to get to stay up late and watch mommy & daddy's shows. After several attempts to get out of napping, she finally said,"I'm GOING to take a nap, but what's on tonight anyway, Surbibor (Survivor)?" It was too funny!
Ok, so I'm going to try and post this, and maybe attempt a picture or two before I call it a night. Hope everyone enjoys!
Great job on the blog! Those kids sure are cute. They must get their good looks from their mommy!
Welcome to the blogging world Angie! I am so excited you are doing this. I love seeing the pictures and watching the kids grow! I will be adding you to my list!!!
How cute! As soon as we get a routine down here with the newcoming coming soon maybe I'll try to get a blog up. Keep me posted on your fam.
I typed up a nice response early this AM before I left for work but couldn't figure out how to send it.....I'll try this now
OK, good, I've got it now......You are amazing....brings back memories of when our last three were born each 14 months apart....sure wish I had had access to blogs and computers then. Instead I spent lots of time writing in their journals.....and since there were no pre-schools then, at least not ones we could afford with a single income family, I had to wait until they were all in kindergarten or older to have time to write. But I just want you to know what an inspiration you are to me,whenever I stop by. Lov, Jer
Thanks for sharing your lovely family with me. Savor every single moment and take TONS of pictures along your path as one day you'll blink and your kids will be grown with children of their own.
We survived the birthday weekend!! All are full of chocolate birthday cake and Trick or treat czandies. Glad the weather stayed nice for the little goblins. Getting my desk in order for another busy week. Signed another contract for a biography. will begin work on it after Jan 1. Looking for some great pics this week right here on alphabet kids. Lov, Jer
just checking if my password works..
Okay, I've gotten on here about 6 times and wrote out a comment only to have them say my password was wrong.. well i got that figured out.. these blogs are pretty neat and you can just keep going, and going..I'm Angie's Mom, Christina, dominic, and ethan's grammy, and Bryans wonderful mother n law. lol.
and yes Christina does make a mean blueberry cobbler..
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