We just got in from what was by far, my favorite trick or treating experience EVER! I probably said the same thing last year- or the year before that, however, I now know that I was mistaken.
All day today the talk has been about going to get candy. What do we say before and after, holding hands when we walk down the sidewalk, etc. Around 4 o'clock, Christina was jumping up and down saying, "I'm so excited, I can't wait for Halloween to come!"
Christina was a bumble bee, Dominic a pumpkin and Ethan wore his pumpkin onsie. Christina had to bring the big pumpkin canvas bag to dump her bucket in as it got too full. Dominic on the other hand feared he would never see the candy again if it got dumped, so he opted to scream "NO, MINE!" at me as I tried to dump it!
We only hit about 15 or so houses, but the best was Christina telling us, "this is so much fun guys" over and over. She even came out of her little shell and was quite loud in her "Trick or Treat" and "Thank You". Dominic was also a hit, if he was offered the bucket of candy to choose, they would actually have to pull it back or I would have to stop him, because he just kept filling his pumpkin!
All day today the talk has been about going to get candy. What do we say before and after, holding hands when we walk down the sidewalk, etc. Around 4 o'clock, Christina was jumping up and down saying, "I'm so excited, I can't wait for Halloween to come!"
Christina was a bumble bee, Dominic a pumpkin and Ethan wore his pumpkin onsie. Christina had to bring the big pumpkin canvas bag to dump her bucket in as it got too full. Dominic on the other hand feared he would never see the candy again if it got dumped, so he opted to scream "NO, MINE!" at me as I tried to dump it!

All and all the weather was great, the kids were adorable, and everyone had a super good time. The best part of all is I didn't even have to dress up and I now have a great stash of chocolate!
I know next year will be even better (because Ethan will get candy too)!
Happy Halloween!