You are all being treated to a guest blogger tonight -- daddy!
Earlier tonight we took the kids out back as they have been begging mommy to take them outside recently. Why you ask? It's not because it is fun playing in the backyard or because the kids are bored in the house, no, they have been itching to go outside with daddy so they can get me wet with their new sponge balls that Christina got for her birthday.
Well, being the wise old dad that I am, I decided that I would trick the kids (it's not too hard, they are all less than four-years-old) and I got out the hose from the garage.
Let's just say that the kids got ahold of hose and had some fun!

Sometimes there were battles for the hose:

And even though "sissy" won most of the battles, "bubba" got his own revenge as well!

And Ethan, well he just tried to stay out of his brother and sister's way and enjoy playing in the grass for the first time with mommy!

All in all, I think the kids had a good time tonight (even though daddy stayed dry!)