Tuesday's tend to be my day of chaos. Christina has to be at preschool by 8:45 a.m. (which means everyone has to be ready by 8:30 and I'm not a morning person), Dominic and Ethan and I then come home for all of an hour before we head to Lap Sit at the library, we then hang out there for about 15 minutes before heading to pick Christina up at school, and from there it's over to pick Daddy up and take him out for lunch - by the time we actually make it back home to do anything it's about 1:30 - and that usually means trying to get Ethan down for a nap, so it's 2 before I can start my normal morning routine!
But today was wonderful! We opened the doors and windows and let the fresh air in while I got some things done around the house, but when dad got home from work is when the real fun began. I think Bryan had his dress shirt and tie off before he was even in the door. He then ran around for about 15 minutes to get the swing set ready, and the kids spent a good hour outside before dinner. After we ate, I got Ethan down for bed and when I came back downstairs it was spooky quiet (not normal at this house!), but Daddy had taken the kids back outside, and we were finally able to get them in for the night around 8, which is past bedtime!
Christina did so well pumping on the big swing. She didn't quite get it last year, but she just took off with it! Dominic was his normal giggly happy self. A little aprehensive about the slide at first but I'm sure he'll be the monkey he was last fall again really soon! Ethan loved the swing, he was too little for it last year, but it's perfect now!
Anyway, wanted to post some new pictures, and let everyone know we are doing well. Life is crazy as always, but we're enjoying every minute of it and not looking back!
Let's pray for the beautiful weather to stay!