You don't have to remind me, which Bryan is doing on a regular basis, that it's been a while since I last posted a blog. I've been telling myself for the past month I want to get on here and do it, I just haven't. Yes, we've been busy, but ultimately, I've been um, LAZY! There, I said it, now I'm going to "get over it" and "move on."
You'll notice those last two comments were placed in quotes. Those were exact words I was told yesterday by Christina, who is three I will remind you, when I continued to push her for more than "nothing" as her response to what she did at school. But this blog isn't about the fact that my daughter has my husband's attitude, because we all already know she does!
Not much exciting going on with us! I've been selling junk I've been finding around the house on Ebay. I'm actually not doing to bad and it's kind of fun to see what we can get for stuff. Some things have been a total flop and either sold really low, or not at all, but I've had my share of triumphs too (my Rachael Ray cook book sold for $50!!!!).
Bryan and I both recently joined Facebook. We're having fun catching up with old friends (who if you are one of them reading this, yes, I will soon get pictures on there too - the blog was calling for an update long before I joined Facebook). So if you're on there, search for us, and add us to your friends list.
The kids are growing like weeds. Christina is loving preschool. I think if she could she would go everyday. And the things she comes home knowing, just blows me away. Her teachers are amazing! Dominic, our little comedian, makes me laugh all the time. He copies everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, his big sister says. Ethan is just getting huge. He's easily at 6 months what Christina was at 1 year. When you stand him up, he comes up past Dominic's shoulders.
Here are some highlight pictures of what we've been up to:
Christina & Dominic enjoying popular presents from Christmas
Christina making snow angels, it was Dominic's idea, but he chickened out!
Ethan (not quite sitting on his own) looking handsome and drooly!
Dominic and Christina making their first snowman!
Ethan just looks so big to me in this picture, I had to post it! Is it possible he's not just 6 mos. old?
So for today, that's going to be it. But I do promise to start posting on here again really soon. I hope everyone is well and healthy!