Saturday, December 19, 2009
Christmas Cheer

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Trick or Treat AGAIN!

I also need to add my funny with Christina & Dominic and the candy. Dominic could really care less what was going on with the candy, but Christina and I had to have a talk about where her candy was going.
After I explained to her, and how well can you explain war to a four year old, she seemed ok with her candy going to the soldiers. Well, Christina & Dominic were helping me box the candy up and she asked him if he knew where the candy was going. She then told him it was "going to soldiers who are fighting for us and fighting for candy - and now they don't have to fight for candy anymore." I wasn't sure if I should laugh or cry, but I do know I have one amazing 4 year old!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Snack Time!
Well, Bryan went shopping on Friday night by himself and brought home this jumbo bag of Shearer's Butter Corn Puffs and asked me if they reminded me of anything. And they did. A little over a year and a half ago this picture of Christina was taken. You can tell by looking at it that she enjoyed her snack.

But I don't think we'd had them since then. We now have two more kids who would most likely be helping their big sister with this new bag. And helping they did! Well, Christina might have called it a hinderance, since she had to share!
Anyway, Saturday at lunch Dominic ate three large handfuls! By Saturday afternoon snack time, Christina and Ethan got in on the action. Then, when I came down stairs last night from putting Ethan to bed, Christina and Dominic were sitting on the couch eating cup fulls.
Don't be to harsh to judge my children's eating habits. I know they need their fruits, veggies, grains and what not, and we try really hard to stay on top of this. But sometimes it's fun to just eat junk food! So we don't do this everyday, and my kids do enjoy their green beans and grapes.
With that being said, Dominic found the bag of "popcorn" this afternoon and the snacking began again. I actually had to pour them into a bowl because the bag was getting torn! They were fighting over it! They finished their bag off this evening. So in a little less than two days my three children ate an entire bag of these things!

Christina was enjoying having the bowl in her possession. She did make sure everyone got some, but at one time she was holding the bowl above Dominic's head and told him to reach!

Saturday, October 31, 2009
It's Trick or Treat Time!
So out we went.
Christina was into Halloween last year. Dominic enjoyed it, but tonight was different for both of them. Their excitement tonight seemed to feed off each other. Dominic must have tripped about 5 times trying to get out of the wagon faster than Christina. If I would have posted all of our pictures you'd see a theme, Dominic heading back to the wagon as Christina is still making her way up to the house. Here's one of what many of them look like:
Christina was also pretty excited at one house. She got to get a bag of Fritos and proudly showed them off for the camera. Since when do people hand out Fritos for Halloween? These are the same people that also offered her a juice box. You might be thinking maybe they weren't expecting trick or treaters, but they were! They actually had 4 families partying in their yard with baskets of candy and what not that were handing out! So my girl brought home the Fritos!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Happy Halloween (at preschool at least)!

They actually combined the 3 and 4 year old classes for the Halloween party. So if this looks like a big group it's because it is! There are 24 of them when they are all together! I seriously don't know how these two teachers have the patience!

Anyway, thought I'd post these up here so that Bryan will get off my back about me not doing a blog. He was nice enough to go to the party and take the pictures, the least I can do is blog about them!
Rest assured for the die hard followers, we'll have a post after Saturday night. Trick or Treating for everyone!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Fun For (F)All!

Dominic had to take his turn pulling the wagon.

Now bring on Christmas!!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Long time, no blog!

Aren't they just a lovely couple? (Note: I am sure Angie will do a more detailed blog about our trip to the Point as there were a ton of great photos.)

Six kids between two families! All of them under the age of 4!!! Yikes!
Lots of tomotoes... although they rarely made it in the house before being eaten!
The kids spent a TON of time out on their swingset and slide! Christina can now ride the "banana swing" all by herself, Dominic loves playing in the sandbox and Ethan enjoys crawling around in the grass (with the occasional snack of dirt... YUCK!)

Monday, August 10, 2009
Ethan Turns O-N-E!

Happy 1st Birthday Ethan Noel!
It's official. I finally have to admit, that once you have kids, time truely does fly by. People have told me that you blink and before you know it your kids are grown. Well, Ethan isn't exactly grown, not yet anyway, but the past year has gone by in no time.
Ethan has grown so much in the past year! He's in the process of cutting two more teeth (which will take him up to 6), in the last month he's started crawling and now all we hear is "mama" and "dada". He's our "jumbo baby" weighing in at a little more than 20 lbs and measuring 30 inches tall. He's a super happy little man who loves to eat goldfish, play cars with his big brother Dominic and dance with big sister Christina.
On Saturday, August 1st we celebrated Ethan's first birthday with family and a few close friends. Mom & Dad came up (I guess from Indiana it's technically over) to help get things ready because Bryan had to work during the day. Gamma Chris, Christina & myself spent the morning making the coolest cupcakes. We decided to do a sports theme and made baseball, football and basketball cupcakes. I was really excited how they turned out considering it was a relatively easy throw together.
I made Ethan a baseball cake for him to eat but these are the cupcakes. I was quite proud of our work.
Here is Christina, Olivia, Madelyn & Dominic enjoying their cupcakes at the party. The girls all sat down on one side of the picnic table and Dominic (the ladies man) just had to sit down with them! Dominic just ate the icing off of his and had an orange mustache the rest of the night. I think this was their favorite part of the party.

Monday, June 29, 2009
Fun with the watering hose!

And Ethan, well he just tried to stay out of his brother and sister's way and enjoy playing in the grass for the first time with mommy!

All in all, I think the kids had a good time tonight (even though daddy stayed dry!)